The American Soldier Douglas Taurel The American Soldier Douglas Taurel

A few of my thoughts on this twenty-year anniversary of September 11th, 2001.

I moved to Hoboken, NJ, in September of 2000. I understood that if I wanted to become a trained actor, I had to leave Houston and go to New York. Something that I never thought I would take so seriously, but I did. It was my only goal. So Erika and I packed up from Houston, and we both decided to go to New York and chase our dreams. me as an actor and her in the world of business.

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Press Release Douglas Taurel Press Release Douglas Taurel

Actor shares veterans’ struggles in ‘The American Soldier’ - Review from Iowa

When the war’s over, the battle may be just beginning.

New York actor Douglas Taurel brought his unique drama “The American Soldier” to Buena Vista University Friday night, driving the message home in an intense one-man performance. Taurel has never experienced war. His characters are drawn from letters written by soldiers, from Valley Forge to Afghanistan.

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Veterans Douglas Taurel Veterans Douglas Taurel

Does America Know We are Still at War?

I’m overwhelmed by the raw emotions I receive from veterans and their family members after every performance of performing my play "The American Soldier.”  Each night, I’m hugging and listening to veterans who still struggling with the visible and invisible scars of war. 

Ten years ago I remembered reading in the newspaper the stories of veterans coming back home from Iraq and Afghanistan and dealing with PTSD and suicide.  I thought then, how unfair it was for our brave soldiers to be sent off to war and then come home to find themselves struggling financially, and not receiving the support they needed. That was ten years ago, and today, I don’t know if things have gotten much better for our veterans.

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