Granbury, Texas - July 1st & July 2nd 2021
In July, I was allowed to perform in Granbury, Texas. Thank you, Tom Huffhines, for a fantastic event!

Traveling is such an incredible way of experiencing the greatness of America and everything that makes it so beautiful. America is an awesome place! In July, I was allowed to perform in Granbury, Texas.
I feel so fortunate that I get a chance to impact and honor our veterans and their incredible families. I find such great joy in touring this play, and as much as vets say I give them, they give me ten times more. We are all very LUCKY because of them and their family's service to this nation. They are the backbone of this nation and We Must Never Forget that!
So those of you who have been following me know how much I love diners. I just love them! And I've been to some amazing ones all over the nation. The morning of my first show, I went to a local diner that the hotel receptionist suggested. "You have to try the Firehouse Cafe, they have the best eggs and hot sauces in town" Ok, I'll give it a go!
I sat down at the countertop and ordered my breakfast. I had an awesome omelet and some of their amazing hot sauces -pretty darn good. Towards the end of my breakfast, the waitress placed the check on my table, and then a few moments later, she came right back picked it back up.
Me: Excuse me, can I ask what you're doing with my check? I haven't paid yet.
Waitress: Someone paid for your breakfast.
Me: What? Huh? Who?!
Waitress: The gentleman sitting next to you.
I looked around, and I saw this nice guy sitting next to me, looking straight ahead.
Me: Excuse me, sir, did you pay for my check?
Nice man: Yes, sir, I did.
Me: Well, that was very nice of you, but can I ask why? Do we know each other?
Nice man: No, sir, we do not know each other. I overheard you talking to the waitress about why you're in Granbury and you seem like a good man so I decided to pay for your breakfast. I'm glad you're in Granbury doing your show. It sounds special.
Me: Well, sir, Thank you very much, sir. That is very nice of you. I know now that I'm definitely not in New York, that's for sure. I'm in Texas. Thank you, sir!
Will you be here tomorrow morning too?
Nice man; Nope! :)
After every show, we hold a Q & A and I'm allowed the incredible honor of listening to many moving stories of sacrifice and service. And recently I've been working really hard to add two new characters to my play, the voice of the female warrior. I feel that the voice of our female warriors needs to be in The American Soldier.
And in my research, I had the chance to interview five remarkable women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. I've learned that the invisible and physical wounds that both men and women carry are similar in many ways, but they are also very different, especially how society views them. Like seeing a couple at a bar for a veteran event, and someone buying the man the drink and not the female warrior who has received a Purple Heart for her service.
I like to introduce you to Sgt. V, a female warrior, a Hero, and a Purple Heart recipient. She came to my show and shared her story with me and since that time in Granbury, we've become friends. And she has been honoring me by sharing her poetry, so I'd like to share a few lines of one of her poems with you. I believe her poetry gives a voice to many veterans in a similar way the play does, but she's a vet and I'm not. God bless you Sgt. V!
Thank you to all our Veterans, and to your families for your incredible service!
I specifically want to say THANK YOU to all those who served so Honorably after 9/11. Your service made our nation and the world a safer and better place.