Douglas Taurel Douglas Taurel

My First Workshop of The American Soldier

My very first workshop of The American Soldier in 2011 in front of an audience. You can see a stand in front of me. Hard to believe how far the play has come, and has gone.

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Veterans Douglas Taurel Veterans Douglas Taurel

Does America Know We are Still at War?

I’m overwhelmed by the raw emotions I receive from veterans and their family members after every performance of performing my play "The American Soldier.”  Each night, I’m hugging and listening to veterans who still struggling with the visible and invisible scars of war. 

Ten years ago I remembered reading in the newspaper the stories of veterans coming back home from Iraq and Afghanistan and dealing with PTSD and suicide.  I thought then, how unfair it was for our brave soldiers to be sent off to war and then come home to find themselves struggling financially, and not receiving the support they needed. That was ten years ago, and today, I don’t know if things have gotten much better for our veterans.

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