Celebrating the Beauty of Christmas and the Importance of Our Freedoms as Americans
WWII Soldiers Celebrating Christmas
Christmas reminds us that even in difficult times, there is always hope and the potential for good. It is a time to come together, support one another, and celebrate the blessings we have received. Ultimately, Christmas is about much more than gifts and decorations. It is a time to come together and celebrate the love and hope that surrounds us and to be grateful for the blessings we have received. Let us embrace the beauty of this holiday season and remember always to defend and cherish the freedoms that make America a special place.
And while we celebrate this holiday season, it is important that we remember the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and many fundamental rights have been fought for and won by those who came before us, including our veterans who have served and sacrificed to protect them. These freedoms are the foundation of our great nation and are what makes America truly exceptional, in my opinion. As my father put it best, an Argentinian Jew who loved America more than anything in the world, “Son, no one is swimming into Cuba or running across the border into Mexico.”
And as our founding father Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." These words continue to inspire and guide us today, reminding us of the importance of preserving and defending our freedoms at all costs.
As we celebrate Christmas and all of our blessings, let’s also be grateful for the freedoms we all get to enjoy in this experiment called THE UNITED STAGES OF AMERICA!
Merry Christmas to us!