Vera R Boals, Major, US Army Retired, Dependent

My strongest reaction to your play was to the family dealing with the sudden absence of their husband and father.  I remember when my father left for Viet-nam in 1967 that i had never seen my Mother cry.  Just before the bus came, she went to the bathroom, and my father sent me to get her when the bus arrived.  She was in there crying.  I told her the bus was there, and she dried her eyes, washed her face, and sent him off to war with a calm face. 

He knew that we would all be safe because she was there, and did not have to be distracted by worrying about us.  She knew that the Good Army Wife copes with the loneliness, and the financial hardship, and the agony of waiting for a notification team to come to the house, and sends her husband off to be successful. And we went on.  No one waited for "your father to come home" for discipline, or for advice, we just went on.  Each hiding our misery from the other, because it would not help the family survive.  We went on without him.   

Your show touched me very much Douglas!

Thank you,

Vera R Boals, Major, US Army Retired, Dependent


Susan Peterson, New Hampshire, Gold Star Mother


David Zapsky Veteran, USAF