Bill Peterson, New Hampshire, Gold Star Father

Dear Doug, 

Your play “The American Soldier”  is a powerful riveting testimonial from inside the “souls” of veterans spanning hundreds of years.  Your authentic capture of each soldiers’ or mothers’ most personal thought during conflict is stunning, impactful and presented with a deep compassion that invokes an emotional response from an audience of all ages.

As the son of two World War II Veterans and the father of two veterans (US Army), this play affected me on many levels and gave me a profound respect and admiration for the American serviceman. 

During the audience “talk back” session after the performance; I found that an audience from all walks of life were touched by the performance and wanted to ask questions or share their experiences.  From a Gold Star Mother to a female veteran, or veterans that served over fifty years ago --- this performance brings home the heart and soul of why our veterans serve!  For family and country.

Thank you!

Bill Peterson, New Hampshire, Gold Star Father


Glee Hooper, Gold Star Wife


Susan Peterson, New Hampshire, Gold Star Mother