Rose S. - Civilian Nurse, United State's Agency for International Development, November 1967 - May 1969

Dear Douglas, 

My name is Rosemary Orozco and I was a nurse during the Vietnam war from November 1967 to May of 1969. I was there with The United State's Agency for International Development and I worked in the Dalat Hospital with Vietnamese and French Surgeons.  We essentially treated civilians and the Vietnamese Military.

I was totally moved and overwhelmed by what I had seen and heard onstage by you. The next day was September 11th and I was at the Memorial service on Pier A in Hoboken, and I shared your show with anyone that I encountered including the Mayor and councilman Michael De Fusco. 

What you have created is way beyond wonderful and the multiple roles that you play are so relatable and recognizable, that it’s scary how real they are. I saw and felt the pain and journey of each character you created and remembered all the tragedy I saw as a nurse in Vietnam.  I heard their voices and felt their pain all over again. 

I think what you have created is so wonderful and so important that it tells the story of all of our veterans from all of our conflicts. The idea hat that the boy who left is not the man when he returns, still resonates with me. You are gifted and incredibly compassionate and blessed to be able to do this kind of work. You have an admirer out there and you may find this silly but if you hear music, that may be me singing your praises.

Thank you for doing this show in New Jersey and take care! 

Rose S. - Civilian Nurse, United State's Agency for International Development, November 1967 - May 1969


J.C , Medevac Helicopter Crewchief/Gunner, Desert Storm 1990-9,


Neil and Darcy Sibenaller - Storm Lake, Iowa