The American Soldier

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First Workshop Performance of The American Soldier Solo Show

My first performance of my solo show was an absolute success! I performed a workshop performance of the first half of my show at the Bowery Poetry Club in New York.  I was nervous, anxious all weekend leading up to Monday the 25th which was Memorial Day but when the lights went up, I flew!  I felt so good during my performance that when I was getting to the end, I had actually through I had skipped a chunk of text because what was 35 minutes felt like 5 minutes. I had been rehearsing 3 days every week for 3 hours a day for the past three weeks.  I looked at my lines before I went to bed, when I woke up and during the afternoon every day.  On the day of the performance, I ran the show in my head in the morning, the afternoon and twice before 7pm which was curtain. So I you can say I was living with the lines but you have to so that the words feel like they are your own. You need to own the script so that you can sing it, play with it and live it. Repetition is the mother of skill! 

It was such as beautiful experience giving back to veterans and their families on their day and through my art. The feedback from the audience was so touching that it really gave me confidence in why I was doing the show. I am so looking forward to my next performance which will be at the Edinburgh Fringe in Scotland this summer.